Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
scratch challange #2
The cat is being chased by the dog and when it touches the dog.
Monday, November 3, 2008
scratch challange #1
Monday, September 22, 2008
finally done it all, completed.
our posts required alot of pictures, colours abit of text as we didn't want alot of text and videos to watch.
There wasnt much difficulties
although one was
we started off with sprout bulider and protopage
then found it to hard to work with
so we ended up using piczo
as we found it easier and more fun to work with
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
What are MID and UMPC devices? How do they differ. Which one would suit your needs? Mid devices are for class consumer lifestyle device, runs a lightweight "OS" with a quick startup and optimizes things like media playback web surfing.
While UMPC devices are for buisness class devices, runs a heavy "OS" like vista and optimizes for office use applications.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
For our IT assignment for term 3 my partner, Mary, and i decieded to use Protocol for our website. -www.protocol.com
We realised that Protocol was a good website to use for our assignment, although when we checked out the other peoples profile assginments they all used Piczo.
We didn't want to use Piczo because everyone was using Piczo and it was too popular.
BUT today, we decided to use Piczo because we though that Protocol was too dull, and we couldn't do anything besides adding widgets and that didn't really help us
So we decided to use Piczo but the same topics wer had as before
Monday, August 11, 2008
we have a new project for this term and this time i am working with a partner. My partner is Mary and the site that we have decided to use is Protopage.
we havent decided on what were going to use
but we are looking.